Lochnagar Crater and our Club

Lochnagar Crater and our Club

How the club became involved In March 2014 the club was approached by Jim Stillings on behalf of the Army Cadet Force Platoon based in Rossett, which is between Wrexham and Chester, regarding a project the cadets were involved in at  the Lochnagar Crater on...
CNWWA history revealed

CNWWA history revealed

Martin Pantony – CNWWA’s only remaining founder member — has provided us with a fascinating insight into the history of the club. To accompany his dialogue, he has also compiled a table showing the number of members, the meeting place and the chair person for...
Spalted Beech spindle and Faceplate blanks for sale.

Spalted Beech spindle and Faceplate blanks for sale.

    A number of spindle and faceplate blanks  of Spalted Beech are available to buy from Brian Hindley of Dragon Joinery, Wrexham.  Sizes vary but are around 60mm thick.  Pen blanks of various species illustrated below are 18 x 18 x x150mm.     For...
A Tribute to Don Baird

A Tribute to Don Baird

Our friend and longstanding member of the club, Don Baird, sadly passed away recently.    A number of members of the club attended his funeral on 8th of June and felt it appropriate that a small tribute should be included on the website. All who attended would agree,...
Need a new lathe?

Need a new lathe?

If you’re thinking about getting a new lathe take a look at this one installed by G&S Timber supplies in Penrith ( click link below). Hapfo 7000-CNC Lathe New Hapfo 7000-CNC Lathe installed at G&S Specialist Timber .Here's a sneak peak of the...
Auction night 2017 results

Auction night 2017 results

Just a very quick update on last night’s (25th May) auction at Sychdyn  to let people know that the numbers have been crunched by our Treasurer, Peter who reports the receipts at a little under £500.  A Fantastic result.   This should increase further when an...
Auction Night – Thursday 25th May 2017

Auction Night – Thursday 25th May 2017

Just a quick reminder that May’s meeting is in the form of an Auction.  Please have a critical look around your workshop for anything that is “surplus to requirements”. If you have anything that you are willing to donate, however tenuously related to...
Laburnum and Cherry Log available.

Laburnum and Cherry Log available.

Two 1metre logs, one cherry and one Laburnum are available in Caerwys.  The logs have been felled in a private garden and are reasonably dry and are available for collection. For details of location and any terms please contact Mr Paul Taylor on 01352...
Howard Hughes – AWGB Appointment

Howard Hughes – AWGB Appointment

We are pleased to announce that CNWWA Secretary Howard Hughes has been appointed as the North Region Representative for the AWGB. We wish Howard every success in his new role.