November Meeting – Club Night

November Meeting – Club Night

A club night was chosen for the November meeting, as we had a few new members join over the last year. Richie Southerton and I volunteered to do a small demonstration concentrating on the basics of turning. I chose to be on first on and attempted to turn an apple. I...
Dave Atkinson demonstration – 24-Oct-19

Dave Atkinson demonstration – 24-Oct-19

For this month’s demonstration the club welcomed Dave Atkinson, a highly respected and professional woodturner. Dave treated us to a fast and furious 3-hour evening covering a shallow maple leaf shaped bowl, a yew lady with a hat, a child’s spinning top and an...
Wall clock demo by Peter Green

Wall clock demo by Peter Green

Our Chairman, Peter Green, kindly stepped into the void created by our booked speaker having to cancel for September’s monthly meeting. Peter gave a splendid demonstration and produced a very interesting wall clock.  Materials were a 12″ disc of dark...
June Meeting – Auction

June Meeting – Auction

By popular demand we held our auction which is now becoming an annual event. With some great donations especially from Alison Pantony, the widow of one of our founder members, Martin. Alison had requested that half the sales be split between the club and Macmillan...
May Demo- Emma Cook ( The Tiny Turner )

May Demo- Emma Cook ( The Tiny Turner )

The May meeting brought a double celebration, a welcome back to Emma Cook (The Tiny Turner) and a birthday celebration for our oldest member 90 year old Rachel Thompson (see other report). To start Emma explained that she was going to turn an ornament that had a...
May Meeting Birthday Celebration.

May Meeting Birthday Celebration.

During the tea break we had a very special celebration One of our long standing members was two days away from celebrating her 90th birthday. Rachel Thompson, who is a retired GP from Chester, took up woodturning when she retired.  I remember just after I joined...
April Demo – Chris Fisher the Blind Turner

April Demo – Chris Fisher the Blind Turner

April’s meeting welcomed back from last year, the lad from Salford, Chris Fisher (The Blind Turner). Being blind Chris had a vision in his head of what he intended to make. A bowl textured below and on the rim but this time he was going to have a go at colouring...
March Demo- Steve Healey

March Demo- Steve Healey

For our March meeting we welcomed back Steve Healey. His intention was to  make a vase out of a piece of relatively plain redwood into something of beauty. To start a piece measuring 27cm (10″) X 11cm (4 1/4″) X 7 1/2 cm (3″)  was placed...
February meeting- Les Symonds Jig and Woodturning Demo

February meeting- Les Symonds Jig and Woodturning Demo

Les Symonds returned for the first demonstration of 2019. As Les was a bit conscious about returning in less than a year he focused on something different. That being jigs, fixtures and simple aides to help ease turning and production.   As Les sells small...
January meeting – Annual competition Awards and AGM

January meeting – Annual competition Awards and AGM

This year we decided we would have a change from the last few years and hold the AGM after the annual competition awards this month. As only members are allowed to attend that part of the meeting nothing can be reported. Only to say that all the officers were...