Competition Results April 2024
The Competition for April was a "pair of spindles" There were a number of entries for the Advanced class but only one for the Open class. We do need more entries for the monthly competitions so please get out into your workshops and get creating for May's compeition...
Mike Wilson Sharpening demonstration report 25 April 2024
Our Chairman Richie welcomed and introduced 4 new members now taking the club to 50 members for the year. He also encouraged all members to enter into the monthly competition and how we would take photographs of the winners in the two classes for inclusion on the web...
Club Meeting 25th April 2024
SHARPENING DEMONSTRATION (hands on) by Michael Wilson Mike is based in Anglesey and has been turning for about 15 years. He is an approved AWGB tutor and enjoys teaching and developing new turners skills. He also enjoys developing his own skills with other well known...
Competition results March 2024
The competition for March was a 'Utility Item'. There were very few entries for the compeition only 4 in the advanced class and 3 in the open. The idea of the competitions is to get the members out into their workshops producing items that the memnbership can enjoy....
Emma Cook Demonstration 28th March 2024
What a great evening we had last Thursday, supported by 45 members who came to see Emma Cook aka The Tiny Turner. The Chairman welcomed the return of Emma who over the years has never ceased to treat us to fantastic demonstrations and really explains the technique...
Don’t miss the March 28th meeting with Emma Cook
At this month’s meeting we will be welcoming back Emma Cook - aka 'The Tiny Turner'. She is one of the most prolific demonstrators in the UK, and it will be great to see her again. She never fails to do something different. For those of you who don’t know her work,...
Meeting Report 22nd February 2024
Everyone must have been keen to see our demonstrator for tonight, Nathanael Griffiths, as the room was filling up early….or maybe it was also because our subscriptions for the year are due. In the end, 45 members attended. Nathanael comes from near Chester so had not...
Club Meeting 25th January 2024
The start of a new year for the club and a first in having both the AGM and our first I.R.D, (Interactive Remote Demonstration) This was the first time we had tried an IRD and special thanks have to go to Chris Parker well known Lancashire turner help us get it off...
Nathanael Griffiths 23rd June 2022
The 23rd June 2022 saw our youngest ever demonstrator - Nathanael Griffiths who is just 18 years old. Nathanael's speciality is closedsegmented work. Nice time would not allow him to go through the whole process, he had prepared a number of rings that were glued to...
Meeting on Thursday 23rd May
The next meeting is on Thursday and takes the form of an Auction - proceeds to Club funds. The evening needs donations of items to Auction (don't have to be woodturning related). Don't forget some cash to secure that little something you never knew you wanted. Hope to...
28th April 2022 – Colin Smith
Colin has been turning in the region of 40 years. For many years he was the AWGB South Eastern Rep and has recently moved “North” nearer his daughter. Moving was a fairly traumatic experience, not because of the house, etc. but many of his tools were disposed of...
24th March 2022 – Chris Parker
Chris was originally booked for the March 2020 but, as we are all well aware, COVID 19 suspended our activities, - we are just beginning to catch up. Not that we ever will because the 2 years of Demos, shows, etc have been deleted from our history. The theme for the...