Back by popular demand — another auction was requested at the last Annual General Meeting. May was chosen for this year’s and, as always, there was a bit of trepidation as to whether we could beat last year’s total.
All members had been asked to search out any unwanted wood or equipment in their workshops or sheds and bring it along to help boost our funds.
Slowly the tables began to fill and, with the added bonus of six bags of wood from Morris Stack (a local joinery firm), brought to the auction by Dave Hughes, we were ready to go!
Like a lot of auctions, bidding got off to a slow start but once in the swing things started to sell. As the number of members attending was relatively low and with only one guest on the evening there were many bargains to be had. After the final count up the total went over last year’s by approximately £30, with still some more payments to come in.
Peter Green (Chairman, CNWWA)
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