By popular demand we held our auction which is now becoming an annual event. With some great donations especially from Alison Pantony, the widow of one of our founder members, Martin. Alison had requested that half the sales be split between the club and Macmillan Nurses.
So with some great bargains to get hold of we began. Myself and Richie doing the auctioning with Peter Ellis collecting the money and delivering the change to Dave and Paul, who kept a close account of the sales.
The first half went very quickly and after a coffee break it was back to it. The second half went as quickly as the first with nothing left unsold .
It was a great evening and a total of £576.00 was raised for the club and a total of £203.75 going to Macmillan nurses.
A big thank you to all who participated and hope to see you all next year’s auction.
Peter Green ( Chair
Well done to auction team, perhaps a new career Peter as auctioneer!